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How to choose the best bed sheets

What does thread count mean and is a high count better?

Thread count refers to the number of threads woven into a square inch of fabric. This is used as a baromenr of a sheet’s smoothness and durability. This isn’t always a reliable way to determine quality of the material, the type of cotton can be more significant.

How to choose the best quality cotton?

The best of the best is 100 percent Egyptian cotton followed by 100 percent prima cotton. When reading the label, if it states 100 percent cotton, more likely than not this will be neither Egyptian nor prima but will be American upland cotton - a less expensive, lesser quality variety.

Don’t rely on touch

Lets face it this is the real way most people decide on their sheets. However, unfortunately this can be a big mistake. Many manufacturers are applying polishes, waxes and various other substances that increase the luster or soft feel. After one or two washes this disappears and the texture can turn out to be very different.

Tell tale signs of good quality sheets (any material)

Good quality sheets should last for years and never pill. If your shopping in store be sure to look at the seams and manufacturing. If the stitching looks poor and the seams don't match up, this is not a good sign. Apart from this, it can be very tricky, never be too shy to ask!

What is a cheaper more durable alternative for children and spare rooms

A cotton- polyester blend, often marked as easy case is a very good alternative that won’t break the bank. Using a 90/10 Polyester blend will add greater durability and enable sheets to withstand frequent washings well. However try to avoid above 30 percent synthetic.


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