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7 Tips to make your office space more productive

Place your desk infront of a window. This will enable more light into your space. Plus you can regularly open the window and get some fresh air.

Get the temperature right. Too hot you fall asleep, too cold you can't concentrate. Check out this chart explaining the 'ideal' office temperatures


Purchase lights with a minimum of 500 lux. This will provide the best possible lighting to support concentration and productivity.

Think minimalist and definitely no clutter. The word tidy room, tidy mind didn't just sprout up from nowhere. This is a fact!

Revise your filling system. If required even purchase some new filing systems and get this on point! Just think about the amount of time you will save not having to rummage through piles and re printing things you have lost.

At the end of every day clear your desk. And make it look perfect for the following morning. There is nothing better than walking into your office in the morning to be confronted with a tidy desk.

Place something personal in view. Whenever things get a bit stressful, a short glance at something you love might just save you!


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